Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Another Night, Another Rainout

Actually, it was only my rainout because I told Coachess I would sub for her husband tonight so I was about to skip dinner and cards at Curly's but the rain intervened so I went to eat and play there. Eating too much meat and snacks there, but my will power comes and goes these days. For a week or so it was really serious and this past week it's been non-existent. Ain't no power in my will power today.

The laptop is sluggish so it is time for a cleaning and defragging. While that is going on I will alternate between Ruzzle, Bridges, Chess, and (ready for it?) going through a box or two wil findally putting the shelf about where it belongs and getting the CDs more accessible. Not having TV at all and now no audio on the laptop is getting to me.

Dinner and cards were fun. I won easily tonight, the cards were very good to me. The space is gonna be different when I wake and that is always exicting. Life is good.

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