Friday, April 14, 2017

Life With Eb

Just another day in this cramped dirty space with this weird distant roommate. He put on a movie and I ask about it and he gives me yes no answers, no invitation to come watch it with him. He likes his privacy. I am tired of sitting in my room. Bored tonight. The child inside wants to come out to play buy he's been completely not welcoming. Not rude, just not welcoming. One word answers to a dozen conversation starters. He's the kind of person/roommate who does not acknowledge a sneeze. So I remain in my room and search for another roommate on roommate dot com and eat spaghettios from a can with a hot dog bun smeared with fat free mayo cuz I don't feel like anything warm to eat cuz it's over 80 degrees in this place and I don't feel like cleaning cuz he's watching a movie in the dark and the kitchen is wide open to the living room. There is no comfortable place to sit in the living room anyway, even if I clear the clutter from the very old couches to make myself a seat.

The good news is I am ansy after not going out to play all week. I played ruzzle. I could fall asleep very easily, but I want to share some fun. Love would be a fair substitute lol :)

Feel free to jump in anytime...

Narf :)

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