Monday, May 23, 2016

Slow Spiral To Nowhere

Staying home in this place can bring on a slow spiral to nowhere. I slept some, spent most of the day or evening or night (whenever I was not sleeping) on Facebook adding to the new pages and hoping someone would notice and dreaming of millions of followers so that the one might finally prove she exists in this world and we would live happily ever after.

I went 36 hours or so without food and still feel bloated. I ate a canned concoction, chicken and spaghettios, half a can each, and four teaspoons of golden mushroom soup and a slice of velveeta and some grated sharp cheddar and a spoon of butter and a squirt or few of ketchup microwaved for about four minutes and stirred.

Definitely sat around too much this weekend.

Need sleep.

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