Saturday, November 19, 2016

Tired Bloat

Yes, tired bloat dominates the morning (details on how I got here are in the usual place). Since the last entry, let's see... I was awake a few more hours last night on the internet and then slept about 4 hours. Woke to heal to Tinman's place to help him paint. Painted about four hours and then headed to the hospital to have blood drawn for lab work. I had forgotten to drink water so I drank 85 ounces on the way to the hospital (five 16.7 ounce bottles). Probably distorted the labs, again (last time I was dehydrated and the doctor said I should make sure I was hydrated before going for the blood draw this time). Lots of urinating since then. Then headed to the Chinese buffet to refuel as I had fasted 24 hours. Then headed here and passed out in the chair. Woke several times to urinate and slept very restlessly, waking with a desperation frustration (as opposed to fear) scream in a dream. Came here, and here we are.

Busy day in a few hours. Time to shower. Hope your day is fun too.

Narf :)

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