Wednesday, October 11, 2017

So Much Drama

The co-ed softball league is such a strange world these days as it has become awash in drama and people who are... challenging to describe. They seem to want to win at all costs and if they lose they look for all sorts of reasons to blame anything or anyone but themselves and their own poor play. It is recreational co-ed softball, for crying out loud. Where has the fun gone? So one team walks off the field in the middle of the game because they are adults and they don't want to play with immature children. Like it's mature to say "I'm taking my ball and going home so nobody can play." That was their first loss on the season and they were playing for first place. They were way behind and could not accept the reality of actually losing a game I guess, so they forfeited. On other fields players with obvious skills that belong in upper divisions were mocking people because they were mistakenly laced in the lower division and could do whatever they wanted on the field. Bullies and hurt feelings and pissed off people seem to be everywhere these days. So do we blame Trump or continue blaming Obama? lol.

That was not a serious question folks, lighten up.

Narf :)

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