Tuesday, June 19, 2018

So Sad

Still dreaming, but I am phoneless. It feels worse than homeless. I have my work phone, but it is a pain it the ass to text, it's a flip phone without internet or anything convenient. Worst feeling of all is the loss of all contacts. It's like a death. I will get a new phone one of these days. I don't want to decide which $800 phone I want to trust because I don't want to trust a phone ever again. Losing my calendar is scary. I have doctor's appointments and I don't even have their numbers, no less a schedule to remind me. I want to just walk away from the world, be disconnected, completely off the grid. Lonely, yes, but so much more independent and secure. But work obligations, so many connections broken. In case it matters.

It is much later than it seems. If only I did have to work.


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