Wednesday, May 16, 2018

These Links

When I close my eyes... of course. With the babbling blog shut down for lack of time, the abstract and seemingly random references and distractions slide into this blog. That's what happened to (e)thereal and all the others. This one was protected by it's big goofy brother, but the big guy fell asleep lately and hibernating mad babbler is no good for a clean cut blog of clever brevity. Just the facts, ma'am, just ain't gonna happen without an outlet for the energy of the eternal infinity that still brews, sometimes simmers, even in still silence.

You know the old story... with an eerie twist... darkness on the edge, shadows where I stand, I search for the time on a watch with no hands... oh Bernie, how I love your genius...

you know you've gotta have heart...

and narf :)

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