Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wasted Lunch and Endless Meetings

Yeah, so I was at my desk way earlier than the previous entry. Working on the documents for the cause, the Health & Safety Committee. Too many documents, too much data to compile, too little time. Especially when boss sets up a meeting with the senior administrator and senior investigator of the tax office for this morning and then, sends me off to represent us without him. Excellent reviews from the tax man followed to boss and me, cha cha cha, but now, no time to do one of the reports I was to do.

I ate lunch instead. $13+ on the Publix buffet. Remind me not to do it again. Better food and a lot more of it at any Chinese buffet for less money, especially for lunch. It was edible, but overcooked and not hot and just plain eh. Definitely wasted lunch.

On to the big monthly meeting now.

Narf :)

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