Monday, August 19, 2019

A Star Is Born

Will this tragedy hold up for a third time? I suppose it all depends on how much of the first two I forgot and how good gaga is in it. Others matter too, and the music, but this is about the star being born and the crushing life around her. The stupid male ego that can't handle it. The stupid industry that chews people up after taking their identify and anima (spirit, soul, etc). The stupid people who'd rather cry than fly. Hopefully this one flies even higher than the last two, but so far it starts in the deep end and is floundering in the shallows. Can it save itself? Enlighten me.

Meanwhile, here at home, I appear to be enjoying a few movies these days. Enjoying this one with a tall shaker of salt, but then, that metaphor goes for just about every moment in this life. Humanity has been such a disappointment. I would really like it if there is some different existence after this one that provides less stupidity and and fear and more intelligence and love. Less tinnitus would be good too lol.

Work was good, dinner was light, life is good, alone.

Wishing for sharing.

Narf :)

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