Monday, August 19, 2019

Harry Potter and Robin Williams

Actually, I watched the second Fantastic Beats movie tonight and I didn't realize it was the second film until I looked it up and then realized I should have watched the first film first, but that's life, aye? Meanwhile, I miss lusting over Hermione, but that's almost beside the point (if you are new to my world, Natalie Wppd was one of my first major crushes and and I've been quite stimulated by vaginas since I was about four. No wonder I prefer them shaved, but that's almost beside the point {if you are following me into these parenthetic asides, you may have been here before and never knew it brilliance is the most misunderstood and over appreciated madness, until it is honest and then, it's just misunderstood, but that's almost beside the point [it's an innocent addiction, this babbling madness, and vaginas too, but you maybe already know that by now] and maybe the mind flying too fast for connections to other minds that fly slower [or never get off the ground], which may be closer to the point, if there really is one}, if you are following along at all) as if there was a point to all this, I mean, beside the constant dream of finding the one by putting these words out there and be found...

was there a point?

Remembering the Harry Potter series and he dreams of love then lead to Robin's mind as TA paid for a month of HBO and there I found Come Into my Mind and that reminded me of the mind I left behind, the one in the head I loosely call mine.

I am not sure if this is bittersweet or semi-sweet or why one gets a hyphen and the other doesn't, but the longing for another mind that relates to, appreciates, and keeps up with mine (understands?... there's always hope) returns and the loneliness swirls around, but the comedy rides on the wings of hope (or is hope riding the wings of laughter?) and we save the day again.

Watching TV alone, loving the mind games going on between my ears, wishing we could share, but wired with fun and feeling like staying up all night, again.

The mind is magic, ya know? :)

Narf :)

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