Monday, February 29, 2016

Another Chapter

In case it matters, this is another chapter in the life of the writer of this blog who, for convenience and realtivity (relativity too, perhaps), we will call me. Eventually I will likely share more details about me than anyone will ever remember, or want to know (there's always hope someone will want to know everything though... helplessly hopeful romantics understand that) and throughout you are likely to find parenthetic asides that you might find distracting. If you don't (find parenthetic asides distracting), great, perhaps you'll stick around and get to know me and let me know you. We might even be friends. Friends are very welcome in this life.

Life is relatively constant change (feel free to expand on that definition and/or add different ones and if you ever disagree with me, feel free to share your views in comments. Preferably politely as this is not Facebook and I am not here to debate, encourage, or condone negativity. If you feel negative, I will attempt to help you find your positivity. If you resist positivity, I will ask you to be negative elsewhere. If you keep coming back with negativity, I will block you. I've never blocked anyone. I hope you don't consider that a challenge as that would really be a waste of time and potential). Some changes are almost unnoticed, the constant replacement of cells passing through your body, for instance. Some changes are profoundly ecstatic or trumatic effecting (or is that affecting?) your entire life or even the lives of many. Like falling in love or saving the world. Life goals. Yours?   With every change, there is a new beginning.

This is another beginning.


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