Saturday, February 9, 2019

Catch Up Tomorrow

Living with (and in) the philosophy of the title is not ideal for me, since I am most comfortable living in the moment (which is the only reality, so any other experience is almost a waste of time as it is exponentially more illusionary than the illusion of the moment, but we can philosophize further when you get here, if you ever do). Today the computer was packed up and moved to Jackson's place because I will be staying there more than home for the next week as I am house and pet sitting and their pets are a full time job (aging pets have lots of needs).

I finally ate, but when I got back here after shopping and packing my stuff to bring here, it started raining. Yes, just as I got here, the rain started. The garage entrance is blocked off, so I had to come through the front door which is around front and so I got wet and so did all the stuff I brought, which sucks, but I'll ignore it and leave everything until tomorrow and pretend it never got wet and hope for no smells or mold or anything else. I'll check the work clothes for the week when I put them on Tuesday. Yeah, I know.

The next challenge was the lights. They blew out in the kitchen and living room in the middle of cooking pizza and cleaning shrimp, which made everything more challenging. Luckily I packed a flashlight, but it was still not enough and hopefully it will be light enough tomorrow to clean, since I can't see well enough to clean in the dark. No bugs, please. I guess the universe was saying I should be eating less calories. The emo-frustration definitely caved and after yummy fat-carb food, I am laying down on the couch with the animals smothering me and will watch old Superbowls because there is nothing else I am interested in on TV. I remember why I cancelled cable. Commercials and nothing much of interest, especially with commercials.

We are having fun, right? lol.

Narf :)

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