Thursday, November 29, 2018

So I Am Not Sleeping

And the neck is cramping and the body is hungry and the mind is distracted by computer games and The Gifted simultaneously and if it wasn't Thursday night, that would be fine, but I have a full day of work tomorrow and I'll likely be heading out driving around and that means I need to be awake. Driving asleep isn't very wise for a safety officer. The ear is screaming overtime which, coupled with the neck, may keep me awake all night. More food? So much for the light eating this week. And no shower, yuck. I'll try to wake in the morning early enough for a shower but that may be more challenging than it sounds, especially with the chill in the air and the plumbing on the fritz. Eb said that the plumber asked that we don't use the water much until Monday. Maybe I'll head in to work then head out to do the inspections but stop here for a shower first so he'll be at work.

Raisin, Date, and Nuts Oatmeal x3.

Narf :}

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