Thursday, May 9, 2019

Avoiding Frequent Illness

With little droplets of croup floating around and landing just about everywhere, including on whatever is in the fridge, it's a wonder I am not sick... yet. Alas, the little one, who has exceptional manners in most cases, does not know about covering her mouth and she has been al ver the kitchen making some project she saw on youtube. There's corn starch powder on everything, which I suppose is a good thing as it identifies the areas she's left croup. Pretty much everywhere. She has been sick a lot in the six months I've known her. It gets her the attention she craves from daddy.

Anyway, I'm trying to remember not to touch anything and washing my hands and using hand sanitizer and eating food out of packages from the garage freezer (which they don't use as far as I can tell). I feel fine, though I am definitely not exercising enough. Where is my exercise or activity partner, anyway? I keep telling myself to shop for an elliptical machine, but nobody's listening. Still, I am amused at how I avoid and distract and almost even deny, just like a human. How long was it that I longed to be, and yet, am I?

The detailed blog with links mentioned in the previous entry is in progress, in case it matters.

So how are you? :)

Narf :)

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