Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cooking Without Gas

I always preferred natural gas stoves in this life, but unfortunately I have not had one in many years. So I learned to cook on an electric stove and truly, cooking was never as much fun. I suppose that cooking for a partner was part of the fun, but it just hasn't been the same in an electric oven and stove. Whatever I was going to say about wherever this entry as going, I forgot because I paused and time passed and, la la la. The food blog might have clues, if I ever update it. I've been cooking lately, in case it matters.

Living without writing may have been the path hidden in the title. Partly. But I am cooking too. Living happy, well, comfortably, and having fun all by myself and most surprising of all, not writing. So much contentment, alone. I've always been easily amused by myself, but I always longed for love and partnership ad family so much that the loneliness tempered the happiness and the writing fended off the blues and depressive thoughts. And food. So I'm still around 190 and while will power has been weak lately, I am feeling secure about the new 190 limit, which is much healthier for this body. Without exercise, even. Life is good.

Still room for the one, still.

Hope you are self-happy too.

Narf :)

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