Thursday, May 30, 2019


I suppose I need a schedule. Or a plan (and there's still a large part of me in charge of living this life who looks at me and asks what does that mean? and continues along before I even begin to look for an answer because I am usually not interested in knowing. Plans are for other people. Schedules too). Still, when living with a family, especially with a kid of that age where her demands are met instantaneously by edict from god or something, my impulses must wait. Like eating dinner when I get home from work. So I came here instead.

This is actually right on time, this occupation of the kitchen by the taco-maker (tacos take multiple burners and most of the counter, after all), because I am bloated and definitely should skip dinner tonight. I have been over-doing the calories for most days in the past few weeks and it is time to not only put the brakes on, but shift into reverse again. A full week of low calorie days is definitely in order. Of course that might have been my choice tonight if the choice felt like mine, but it doesn't, so the rebel child in me wants to cook now. I really need to be more lazy. LOL LAM LAA...

I shouldn't be laughing, huh

So what else is new?

Narf :)

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