Wednesday, December 4, 2019

It Doesn't End... just goes on and on... Yeah. That's what the movie line said. Whatever. If it is true, wonderful, hope someone is there to share it all. Forever and ever. Always too. Maybe I'm amazed. Jackson says she feels guilty when she finally realized she didn't respond to an email I sent weeks ago. I wonder why, since she responded to tell me she felt guilty. Why not just respond to the email and end the guilty feeling? Perhaps I ask for too much, as usual. I still don't understand people. Unless it really is all about fear. Empowering fear over love, wondering why they don't like the feeling. People let me tell you 'bout my best friend.

Another long day at the desk. Writing and formatting the new policy needed for the new project. Among other project related asks. Met with some higher management. Home to shrimp in a cheese sauce with bread and butter and chips. Yum. Chocolate mousse too. Yum. Shhhh, bloat happens. Shit too, we hope. There's always hope, ya know? So what else don't you know? TV all night long. Sleep, soon, hope again She sure does get around.

All you have to do is let it flow through and you'll know what's true...

Narf :)

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