Sunday, December 15, 2019

More Party

Yes, it's that time of year and I started with a weight gain diet and the parties are not helping. Pass he laxatives and ointments, please. Anyway, Today's lunch with Helen was cancelled cuz her mom wasn't feeling well and though she suggested dinner, I already had dinner party plans as Izzy's annual holiday party was tonight and Helen doesn't like parties much so next week, perhaps. Jane has me hooked up for Friday night, but I think Saturday s still free so unless I am forgetting something, Helen will likely get me out for dinner Saturday. Spending on extra calories just seems to be the human way this time of year and I am not being an antisocial hermit, so my various groups of friends will be helping me spend money and gain weight. Where the f-u-know-what is that elliptical, dangit.

The day was relaxing, though every time I nodded off after I woke at sunrise, something brought me back to consciousness and sleep deprived remains my state of mind. The bowels and laundry and texts and games with Jackson, then Helen, the others, all day into the evening when I finally headed out to Izzy's party. She really has a nice condo for parties and about fifty people mingled around the place. Forty three participated in the white elephant gift exchange. I gave my gift to Sarducci because he is into what I received. After everyone ate and the gift exchanges, groups broke into games and we played Fact or Crap and Scattergories.

Heading home, I finally stopped at the post office (it must have been several months as there were toll bills from August in there... I'll call and figure out who I own and how to pay tomorrow or Monday), then here. Sleep would be the wise move now as I have softball practice in the early AM. I hope you are enjoying your life this weekend and you are doing what you need to do to make yourself happy.

Anything is possible when you accept happiness can be created in any situation.

Just do it.

Narf :)

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