Monday, September 18, 2017


Like as if. Might as well post this entry now...

If this entry posted, it means I forgot I had an entry scheduled for today which means I left this blog and possibly this blogger site (or am simply not paying attention). It could mean I died, so call if you want to know. My number is many places in my online world and other relatively easy to find places if you just look around and/or have clicked on links throughout my written gardens.

I hope you are well and happy and loving the life you create for yourself each day. I hope you sleep peacefully when you sleep and feel wonderfully wonder-filled when you are awake. I hope your dreams come true (if they haven't already) and I hope to see you again.

There's always hope (I hope). :)

Narf :)

After disappearing fr weeks without explanation, it ppeared no one noticed. So I felt alone and sad. So I thought... might as well post this entry now... the entry above.

I'm not dead yet though, but at least we know I'm ready.

Tired, sad, lonely, but definitely ready.

It is good to be ready.


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