Thursday, October 25, 2018

Roller Coaster

We are all bipolar, that is, we all have highs and lows, ups and downs, moods swings. Most of us maintain some sense of balance, mostly through ignorance and avoidance and denial and delusion and whatever it takes to not notice the sensory inut driving the rollwe coaster. I could have just fallen asleep as I was sleeping in the chair but nooo, fifteen fish sticks, a mini-pizza, and a cheese-fat loaded mac and cheese bowl later and here we are. Stupid. Stupid CSB offers a newFBI show and I'm stupid enough to start watching. Stupid humans. Stupid politics. Stupid religion. Stupid terrorists. Stupid fear-mongering mind games all of them play. Where is the mind that I am looking for?

lol, what a mind :)

Narf :)

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