Thursday, June 6, 2019

It's Not Today, But We're Here Anyway

Yes, it is Saturday night, but the blips of babble want to come in this manner as the laundry spins and while I hope the extremely loud dryer buzzer doesn't disturb TA or the kids, TA said it won't and I should do the laundry. Typically he does past midnight, so the wash goes on. The last load (bedding) is in the washer, the last load of clothes spins in the dryer, and just the clothes I have on and two towels will be in the dirty wash after tonight. Yay for clean clothes and bedding. Boo for the loud dryer beeps, but at least I get up after the first one. It beeps two or three times and TA usually lets it, so maybe he doesn't hear it in his room. He's got a nice big room in the back of the house and the 8 year old sleeps with him back there he says the 18 year old can sleep through anything so onward the washing. This is what you come here for, right?

Perhaps our claim to fame is this blog rivals Seinfeld as a show about nothing. Or Corner Gas, even. Hey, at least I'm not cheating and cutting and pasting the same blog entries from my other blogs (or other blogs anywhere). You get all original nothing here, yesserie bob. I've also watched a whole lot of bad movies lately, ah, more ideas for blogging about...

Narf :)

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