Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Need Sleep

So as I sit here pondering political self-destruction (like Rome, an empire falls from within when greed and ego overcome logic and sensitivity to create too big a divide), the body cries out for sleep. The waterworks are turned on as the immune system cranks out antihistamines and antibodies and whatever else it can make to fight the invaders. The sleeplessness is the most challenging effect, as it undermines the immune system, prolonging the symptoms, and making room for complications that can end life in this body. Ninety minutes left before work starts again and all I need is a good 20 hours sleep. I'll settle for eight, but I have not seen eight consecutive hours of sleep in a very long time.

Meanwhile, work fills most of the time in life these days. Yesterday was typical and I left work to head to softball and then did two hours more work on my laptop at the softball field offices. The eyes get blurrier by the day, the body gets weaker by the night, the cycle is not going in a healthy directions. The elliptical remains, but has not been used for at least four days, going into five. Push through the fatigue? If only I could get a little sleep.

Alone makes it even sadder. Wanted: Nurse with more love for me than I have at the moment.

Of course I always ask for too much. Another unhealthy cycle.

Are you my mother? lol

Narf :)

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