Monday, February 10, 2020

So Pissed

Yes, I am, so so so very pissed. $4K. $4,000. Actually, more than four thousand dollars for an elliptical machine and on the, what, sixth or seventh use, it broke. Before it was here three weeks, it broke. Before I made the first payment, it broke. I didn't even begin to use it, not even close to pushing it past level one at low speed at low resistance at normal stride length. Tonight fr the first time I pushed it over level ten (it ha 30 levels) and opened the stride to 27 inches (it's max stride length), and the brakes locked up and the screen froze and it died. It sits there mocking me, a four thousand plus dollar elliptical machine.

Softball was weak, work was weak, starting with an asshole cop blowing hot air in my office. My boss defined him with the word, in case you want to suggest I am biased or my perspective is skewed. Come to think of it, it seems there are a lot of asshole cops in my world these days. I was quoted in the local newspaper about another one just yesterday. I leaned toward the paranoia conspiracy perspective and sure enough, some bad reporter scooped up my words and closed their article with them, while misrepresenting who I am. I said bad reported, right? Am I being too negative for you tonight?

Yea, well I'm pissed. So pissed, I wrote this.


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