Sunday, February 9, 2020

This Could Have Been Yesterday

Or even the day before. But here we are, today, whenever that is. Your today is likely different than the today of the writing, but does that really matter? Well, I mention it, in case it does. Matter, that is. This was updated, for whatever reason, I mention it here for no apparent reason, except, most likely, for the free publicity this blog gives the entry. So while we are on the subject, this was updated too, though it may have nothing to do with the subject, whatever that may be.

Tonight, an 18.6 ounce filet mignon was paired with shredded potatoes in cheese sauce. This was followed by massive amounts of cookies. Cooked perfectly for my taste, a rare steak meat meal, oh so melt-in-my-mouth delicious. Deliciously stuffed. Food is the peak sensual pleasure these days. My choice not to look for or welcome sexuality these days, for a few reasons, in case it matters, but hopefully the elliptical will bring a another that will balance the calorie intake. Soon.

Softball this morning, shopping after that, then TV and phone games until dinner. I finally booked a room for the Tampa tournament. A Wyndham place, $87 a night. Not sure if anyone ill share the expense and room, but I'll deal with it if nobody does. Kind of like the idea of privacy too. On that note, I should head to bed.

Nite nite, and Narf :)

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