Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Another Day (for the umteenth time)

Actually, a lot more than umteenth, in fact, a lot more than umpteenth, even. Into the five figures or something like that. Are you in the five figures? What a strange way to ask what must be one of the most frequently asked questions in our cultures, how old are you?, aye? A/S/L? Sheesh, who remembers? Not that I am interested in your age. Age maybe be the single most abusive prejudice we have in our culture today. We literally let people waste away and die unloved, uncared for, alone all the time in this culture just because they've lived too long for our patience. There was a time when age meant something powerful, profound, revered. Now, age is a curse like the plague and most people avoid it... like a plague.

Work, as usual, at the desk all day, ten straight hours except for a meeting with HR about giving me a few hours to do safety training at orientation. Tomorrow morning I am going to get out of the office a little. I left my office after 6:00 PM and shopped a bit then home to eat more canned pasta. How I slipped back on this pasta kick, whatever. Watching Dead Like Me now.

So how was your day?

Narf :)

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