Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Last Night

Caved into taste buds and made pasta. Twice. Second time with cheese. Ok, so it was cheddar cheese soup which is a lot less calories than real cheese, but still. Way more calories than a weeknight should have provided this body. Slip sliding away. In case it matters. I know it matters to a few of you. A couple, at least. What about Mila Kunis? Huh? Yeah, I thought so. Where are all the mysterious mischievous dark sultry innocent brilliantly intuitive amazingly intelligent psychic magical optimally fit adorable girls in my life?

Rhetorical questions come cheap. So what else is new?

Another fine day at the office. I have a lot to do in preparation for the evacuation drill scheduled for a week from two days from now. Setting up of the emergency alert system that they won't give me enough control over to use properly and finalizing documents that should have been approved when I first submitted them six months ago but they sat on desks and now I have the luxury of updating again with more knowledge of the government. They don't seem to mind things not done on time, or in some cases, at all. Gotta love government work.

Watched TV. Time for sleep. So will you come over and tuck me in?

Narf :)

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