Saturday, October 5, 2019

Earlier Today

I opened this box to start an entry and here it sat, empty, while I watched some TV and snacked a bit. Then, TA made some wings he bought a the supermarket and the house smelled of wings and I wanted wings and I gave in. I went to the highest rated wing place in the area and bought thirty wings which came with fries. I ate only about six and about the same number of fries because this wing place also sells fish, shrimp, and other stuff. It's a small Korean place and home I arrived with beautiful shrimp, shrimp fried rice, and egg rolls. I mostly ate the shrimp, fried rice, and an egg roll. Tomorrow I have wings, fries, more shrimp, more fried rice, and another egg roll. So I spent the dad watching supposedly scary movies (the category pops up every year around this time ya know?) and pigging out. No dessert, at least not yet.

How was your day?

Narf :)

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