Friday, August 12, 2016

Long Day Alone in Crowds

After concluding the previous entry (or something like that) I tossed and turned (or at least stayed awake in bed) and slept less than I intended before waking and checking the Facebook PM I sent about the rally. I thought they'd at least respond, but no one did.

Worse than that, the post I put on my wall about the rally and just four people liked it. Bugs Webbotis rolling over in his grave. Good old Bugs will still not go away quietly. I just seem to repel people online I guess. Must be my literary charm.

As if I am not here, life goes on.

So I did my bit for the community helping out at the rally and after the rally I ate at the chinese buffet and then picked up the chair and then headed to Excel and the Commodore's place to play cards and that brings us here. Are we having fun yet?

Narf. :}

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