Sunday, August 14, 2016

Up All Night Again

This time I decided to finish laundry and pack for my trip and finding things in boxes has left the place in quite a cluttered disarray and hopefully Curly won't come in while I'm gone because he is ocd about neatness and he won't like the cluttered disarray. I intend to straighten up when I get back, but there's just no time for that before I leave without throwing everything in boxes to make it look tidy and I don't want to do that.

Sleeping until almost noon, I showered and headed out to softball. Two games, lost the first 7-5 and won the second 15-3. After softball I headed to Excel and the Commodores for a shower and cards and games. Then I came home and finished laundry and packed as much as I could. Listening to music, winding down, heading for bed soon (I hope). Good morning sunshine. :)

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