Thursday, February 16, 2017

Work, Fun, Life, and so on...

It is actually more than two hours from now, now being the time stamp on this entry, but it is recapping the day that is coming to an end so I put the date it is recapping on the stamp for accurate record keeping and mention it here for even more accurate time keeping (what?... you want a second hand too?... next we'll be on a stopwatch lol). So I am just getting home and I did not do laundry this week so I will not have the favorite softball clothing to take with me (undergarments are important in sports... haven't you seen the commercials?), I shall find a way to survive (there's always hope). I did pack the bag as I may head out of town directly from work so I will have everything ready and load the car in the morning. Out of town tournaments, so much fun and so little time.

Work was fine. I am motivating people to do their job and organizing their work and time, which is what I was hired to do. Michael and Dwight will just have to figure out how to carry on with that process when I am gone. Hopefully they won't be calling too often. Life is good. Card were fun tonight. All I had to do was find a job and conform to get Curly off my back (though his control freakiness is still there, I just have a much more positive perspective about it when I have a more positive perspective on myself and everything. Amazing how the hope of a steady income to pay for independence can do that for a person in this cookie cutter culture.

This could have rolled on into a babbling DDD entry, but I really must get some sleep as I want to get in to work early tomorrow to get more done and feel good about leaving early to get on the road to beat rush hour traffic. Coach finally got back to me about accommodations and apparently I will be sharing with him at $125 a night. Crazy for my budget, but I am spending money I hope to earn in a month or two. Being part of this culture is maddening, so laughter comes to save me once again.

What are you doing with your time?

Narf :)

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