Sunday, April 9, 2017

Not Today, Again

Days roll past, holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, take your pick. Even April Fool's are not keeping up with the time passing. Living in limbo, loving much of the experience and yet, not sitting comfortably all the time and only partially relaxing and not sleeping enough so the toll will show after a while. Party at Sarducci's new house tonight with the usual gaming crowd. Softball tomorrow, so sleep soon. Work is wonderful, to say the least (and I am saying the least). Still haven't gotten the car in for service. Writing daily in letters to J and/or my notes and other places (see the last few entries) and introduction sites like roommates and meetup as slowly work on the project of finding a bigger place to live. The new jobs not a hassle and I have no kids here, but it's sure nice talking to you, yeah, it's sure nice talking to you.

I miss you, even though you may have never been here.

Narf :)

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