Monday, July 17, 2017

Meaningless Matters

Too bad meaninglessness doesn't cuz there is a whole lot of meaninglessness right here. I mean, not even a near death experience matters. No wonder I am eating canned meat and processed everything so much, as if anyone might understand the references and Billy Joel concerts where the first discussion of the day today. Along with many others. So many links could be here, but whatever. You missed it and maybe we'll put a package together for you someday. Luckily one person keeps my hope alive for humanity. Thank you J.

So work and then home and then food and the rain canceling softball and then tv and soon (or late) sleep. Rinse, lather, rinse, repeat. I'm having all this fun without you.

Still, every one of you who ever knew my love lives inside me.

And still... it turns me on.

Narf :)

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