Friday, January 13, 2017

Writing, Watching, Playing, and a Haircut

Actually, all of them were cut. My hairs, that is. Shorter than any previous cut since my military days. Yes, I was a soldier and not, we won't get into that experience at the moment, forgive me. Other than the haircut, today was watching youtube videos and writing (the babbling blog is flowing if you want to see more... also, way too much pasta for lunch) followed by an evening of dinner and cards at Curly's place. Mindless fun. Less eye contact than usual, for what that observation is worth. I won't judge. I returned here, wrote some more, talked with The Maharaja about space and his avocations and current projects, and now I shall head to bed in the hope of waking tomorrow fully refreshed and positive (and not too food hungover) and ready for the interview. Maybe the hair hang well after the shower.

Hope your time between entries was productive and/or fun to your liking.


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