Thursday, July 5, 2018

Life of Illusion

I really don't know what is going on in the world quite often these days. I sit with people at lunch sometimes and they talk about things that everyone seems to know about and I just listen and eat. Eating is my favorite thing to do at lunch, so I'm quite happy, but it's strange that the world outside of my head is so strange to me when am in groups of people. I am still very much back here in many ways, or even further back waiting for someone to find me (come to my window... alas, it is a broken link but you can still find it on the wayback machine if you want to, I mean, in case it matters to you :)... see me drooling? Someday I will download all of those thousands of pages and recreate the web world I used to live in... just like someday I'll unpack all of the stuff in storage... if I live long enough... maybe then I'll remember what this journey was all if I didn't know) lol.

Ok, so what's going on in you?

Marvin Who? lol.

Narf lam :)

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