Friday, December 14, 2018

Slow Moving

I should have been more moved in by now, but excuses line up. He hasn't cleared the space for me and I am not sure what to do with the stuff he has in the garage, closet, a bookshelf in the bedroom. He said he'd move it all so I could have half the garage and obviously, the room and bathroom should be empty, but it's not. He's going out of town for a few days, maybe longer, so his truck will be in the driveway until he gets back, making it more challenging as the boxes are heavy. So moving during the day when he's working (when he's not working from home) will not be easier. I don't have a garage key yet, so I've got to go through the house and keep an eye on the cat (so I can't leave the door open). So I've got to move a whole lot of his stuff before I can move my stuff, which means it'll take longer than planned. Excuses, right. All the more reason for me to be doing more trips, instead of less trips.

Don't do the stupid stuff, m'ok?

Narf :}

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