Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Facebook Candidates

So I spent the day at another locations running the random drug testing for CDL drivers in the morning, preparing data, documents, and a script for the monthly health and safety team (committee for the politicians who like the word) meeting, then facilitating the meeting. I took care of a few things after that and then headed back here early. With the limited calories, I was tired so I napped. Waking around dinner time, I found the house empty so I washed the few dishes I use here and cooked two veggies patties with a slice of fat free cheese. Did I mention I was 188.8 on the house scale? I don't count it as official though because Eb has it calibrated low (he's a very big guy). I walked into my bedroom just as he was walking in and little did I know he was doing a Facebook live Q & A tonight. He's running for city commissioner. It is a very interesting audio from this end.

Gad I don't need to use the bathroom. lol

Narf :)

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