Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hunger Wins

Maybe it's the exercise and maybe it's the steady low calorie days, but the last two days hunger has been winning and today, more than most. Eight slices of fat free turkey and four slices of fat free cheese and three or four (or five?) protein drinks. About eighteen shrimp and spicy mayo dipping sauce too. My food obsession is returning just as I made it under 190 pounds. Not caving into pasta or cheese or high carbs or fats or sugars, though I was craving sugar tonight.

The special forces descended upon my little corner of the world tonight. The crowd gathered in the driveway around my car to watch. The local pot dealer who lives across the street was busted tonight. SWAT was all decked out in camo riot gear and a coupe of dozen of them surrounded the house military style. Who knew this little town had two armored vehicles. Just like the movies. A couple of hours later, the lights went away along with the people. Eb got back in the middle of it and asked me for waters so he could go out and mingle with the crowd. Campaigning never sleeps.

I really need to start sleeping again.

Narf :)

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