Saturday, November 9, 2019

And Then the Door Slammed

Once again they woke me early on a Saturday morning. Going out for their fast food breakfast, forgetting my bed is just a few feet from the front door. It might hep if he door jam was repaired, but the door jam is still broken allowing hot air, humidity, and bugs into the house and naturally, with my bedroom door a foot from the front door, into my sleeping area. And he wonders why I resist giving him more toward the rent. Anyway, awake, I wrote some more bits in the previous blog (which is designed to never end, like most everything I write, cuz the end is only the end if you believe in endings... did you ever noticed that we are defined as much, if not more by what we don't believe in than what we do believe in?... believe me, it's a cofugation (or confutation, depending on perspective), at least, sometimes a conundrum, even), and finally uploaded Zis, which should be an celebration celebrated by celebrities and us plain folk alike more often than annually, so feel free to join in today and sing along... Happy Birthday to Z, Happy Birthday to Z, Happy Birthday Dear Z0tl, Happy Birthday to you!

Exclaim it, even.

Motivation to rearrange (and clean a bit) the space soared this morning and the garage is redesigned to accommodate a lot more open space and stuff. I've been bouncy bouncy for at least a couple of hours, maybe longer. Do you keep track of time on weekends? All those calories from last night are burning through my system (and I do mean burning... especially the buffalo wings and the Nashville hot wings, which were the best of the three types of KFC wings I tried last night. Yes, binge eating happened, as you might be able to tell if I ever upload the previous entry lol. Some people get heartburn, but I am one of the lucky ones with a cast iron stomach and I can hardly remember ever getting heartburn in this life (must have a strong lower esophageal sphincter. I do occasionally feel assburn though. Obviously you were all (all gazillions of you dear loyal readers, fans, and other air-movers) just dying to know, and naturally I don't want you to die, so you're welcome.

This could have been a contender, but I stepped away for a while and future entries may explain why, but much was done. You should have been here, cuz then you'd already know and even more would have gotten done, and fun.

Enjoy life, in spite of the madness.

Narf :)

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