Friday, November 15, 2019

Low Will Power

Sometimes there is so much will power radiating from deep within that I sense I have total awareness and control of the entire universe and that which exists beyond. It's been a while since that level of energy flowed through me, but I have flashes (or flashbacks) now and then. More recently, I flip flop like a flickering florescent light, or perhaps more like a strobe light set on super slow. A few days of fasting, followed by a few days of eating anything I please. Tonight marks another phase of low will power, for what it's worth.

Just in case I don't wake up and get more clever later, Happy Birthday Barb & Ray.

Meanwhile, today was another madcap day of non-stop work, no lunch, no snacks, no breaks, just one project flowing into the next, rushing, even. A bit of a nap after dinner, then watching football, that was the evening. Naturally, I am still awake again, whatever late night time it may be. There minimal creativity tonight, so read another entry that will likely be more creative or amusing or interesting, depending on your perspective.

I would say good night, but I don't sleep. I only close my eyes.

Then again, good night anyway, if it is night where you are.

I had fun write a few comments la night, pen pal site.

Tonight I am bleary-brained, so fun is internal.

See what I mean?

Narf :)

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