Friday, April 1, 2016

Fun Evenings, Restless Days, Lonely Nights

Which could just as easily be Fun Evenings, Lonely Days, Restless Nights but that's all in the linked DDD if you know what I mean (and if you don't read about the blog in the information section on the right). Meanwhile, in the real world, in case it matters, today was busy with a lot of driving to three corners of the metropilitan area. I drove Curly and his mom around, then drove to Excel and the commodore's place for our now regular Thursday Night Bridge game, then drove curly home and drove myself back here.

It was nice to get to know Curly's mom a little better on the drive and it was fun playing bridge. I did very well for my third lesson. Excel bought dinner and desserts we all cooked it and it was yummy all around. Back here now and more awake than I'd like due to the Code Red Excel buys for me. I must draw some will power and use it next time or I will blow up and that is not good for the body. Still, much fun was had by all.

Hope your night was fun too :)

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