Thursday, January 23, 2020

17 Hours to the Elliptical

If I mention Dr Who, what would you do? I'd be excited if I was not so sleepy. I am so excited, I am joying for jump. Once upon a babblefish, on the stars we made a wish. Could OCD be the life for me? No more honestly, ADD. Could we be doing this on purpose? Why I write, when all the world distracts tonight... impeachment? What will the evidence say? What will the witnesses say? I'm listening. That is what a fair trial is about, right? That is what justice is about, right? Review the evidence and decide. Impeachment, thy distracteth me. I should not be laughing, but the corruption is so obvious that the three monkey trial is farcely absurdly amusing. Where are the political cartoonists? Can you hear the shouts of the sky is falling, the sky is falling! from one side and the silence of see, hear, and speak no evil, as the wealthy consolidate their power, as the fall of the empire continues. We be de judges.

Meanwhile, when you ignore the obvious, you only facilitate your ignorance. Hypocrisy, thy name is Senators. Might as well be enjoying drugs. Have we given up? Or are you just sleeping? Weeping, creeping, peeping, deeping... Maybe, maybe I'm wrong... I didn't really watch it. Did you? Maybe I'm amazed. Very long day, so much fun it is to write, policies, processes, programming codes. No pause at the work desk, can you feel the love tonight?

Finally, some food, some rest, some mind numbing news and a bit of babble. Sweet escape.

15 hours to the elliptical and the body cries out for some sleep.

Still, so many promises left to keep.

No fear, go deep.


Narf :)

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