Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday Night, Actually Monday Night

Yes, so, napping right after dinner, I started heading for bed, but decided to tidy up a bit instead. So an hour later the dishwasher is emptied the kitchen counters are clear, mostly, and my tables in the living room or clearer, and I took some garbage out, and I'm laying in bed... seeing if I can go back to sleep. Using talk to text, and it is doing its usual crap and not even scrolling so that I can see what I'm saying on the screen, and every apostrophe is "'" so let's avoid contractions, m'ok?.

It would be nice to have someone to talk to right now. So I starting talking to text instead, blogging, writing. I don't do it for hours each day as I used to, but I feel better when I do, so I really should get back to writing to myself, if not to others. It is not that I have anything in particular to talk about, it is just that cleaning, laundry (which is incomplete cuz I stopped to let TA does the kids clothes cuz their mom's washer is broken again) and everything is sometimes is more fun when somebody shares it. Next weekend, though I will be rearranging the living room stuff some time in the next three evenings so I can clear the elliptical corner.

The temperature is supposed to go way down tonight so that tomorrow the high is about 50. I know that is not very cold for a lot of people up north, but for around here it is bad as cold gets. Heat is not, on but TA said he put it on last night so he might put it on that tonight if he wakes up. I don't feel a need at the moment.

I need to dress warm for work tomorrow, and I have to look up when the softball game is tomorrow night, and dress warm for that too. Alas, it is back to work again in a few hours. Tuesday, as today (Monday) was a holiday. It just feels more like a Sunday night.

Only a few more days until the elliptical arrives. I am hoping that it arrival will motivate the cleaning of the living room and more importantly a change in the diet. This week And was another pig out and there still a several pound bag of M&Ms sitting next to my recliner. Well the expense and presence of the elliptical be the motivation, I hope?

In case it matters.

Narf :)

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