Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Without Merit or Reason (Just Because)

This one is like tat, whatever that is (perhaps a reference to the title and then some, whatever some is), but be that (or this) as it may or may not be or to be, whatever the question, there are those times, and perhaps these are some of them, that not only try the souls (or soles, depending on how many parentheses we must walk through), but test the virtue of one's curiosity. Tenacity required, but not necessarily included.

It was a slow start to the new year as procrastination continued to deepen and the self-indulgent dietary escapes continued to consume much hope and reason (not to mention health). Chocolate, naturally, but heavy on the southern Italian and mixed Chinese too. More bread and ice cream (though not in the same bowl) added flavor (and calories) along the way. Stop be before I explode, or die, even.

Don't worry, be happy, and carry on.

Narf :)

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