Sunday, January 26, 2020

Softball, and One Long Mile

I got to the fields at 8:30 am and left the fields at 2:00 pm and did not sit down once. Most muscles were sore, as were the feet. When I got home, I got on the elliptical and did one mile. It took almost 17 minutes. Everything hurt. I need to learn how to get the stats from the elliptical screen on into entries (it's got bluetooth, so I'll need a computer with bluetooth, at least... maybe an app on the phone will work, but then I'll have to explore how to get data from a phone app on to the computer. Security issues rise somewhere in my mind.

The body is so tired. Still, this was a good day. I tested the body and found out how out of shape it is, and it is pitifully out of shape. Still, it was a good day. I've got to have a lot more good days/ Tomorrow, full work day and then, softball. I need to get some good sleep tonight.


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