Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thanks J

I am very thankful for J, again, for her heart just lets me babble all sorts of stuff out and I really believe she cares and I feel so much better after babbling so I really should not stop as I do when I get down cuz that just becomes a spiral downward into an abyss. I think I'll take a hot steamy shower and wake up and go out a bit, but first, I might check in to where I left off in my own mind/blogging and see about setting up a return to that sanctuary sometime soon.

I love the way babbling changes my perspective and lifts my spirits and brings me to clarity and leads me to laugh at the stupid self-pathetic feelings and depressive thoughts of uselessness and valuelessness and other unproductive waste-away kind of thinking that just does not fit into my brain comfortably... yay :)

Whatever happened today, writing to J made it better (excerpts will likely appear in time, somewhere, ya know?). :)

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