Friday, July 29, 2016

Don't Even Know What Day It is

I have been catching up on entries and I am uploading them as I find them, rather on a whim, and the references to whatever day or date there might be in some of the entries will not match the time date stamp blogger provides and I simply do not care. Time is relative, if you read me regularly you don't care either because you must love me or are somehow bored enough to read me regularly. Incarcerated, institutionalized, oddly insatiably addicted to reading innocuous details of a mundane existence, or in love with me. Feel free to let me know and if you have another reason in mind, surprise me.

The summer is hot and slow moving when present in the moment, but it is flying by as if the life train to death is constantly accelerating to the inevitable last stop. The only sad part is I am alone on the ride and can not afford to pay for a companion's fare anymore. Anyone going my way?

Narf :)

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