Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Almost A Month

It was June 8, 2016 that the last entry was added to this blog. The Dirt, Drama, and Details was last updated June 9, 2016. This entry started on this date, but as described in detail other there, another month went by before it was uploaded. The irony is there was no response so should we laugh or cry or waggle our wigs? (or waggle our wiggles, for that matter). A nod is still as good as a wink to a blind bat, after all. Nudge Nudge. What you may discover if you are here at the moment this blog entry is uploaded is a void, that is, no entries since the last one mentioned above to which there was no response (the irony or whatever is in the title of that entry, in case you are not following the laughter or tears or waggles or wiggles or nods or winks or nudges, cha cha cha) and nothing ahead for the next month. If you arrived the day after this entry was uploaded, you may find a totally difference landscape and in a few days, more or less, you will not even notice there was once a large gap in entries between the last one mentioned above and this one or the next, for that matter.

The strange, in case it matters, is this one. The daily life, in case it matters, will fall in place all around this one before we know it. Hope you enjoyed the time away, the time here, and the times to come.

Life goes on.

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