Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sleep Pains

Lately there of been sleep pains. Back of the neck. Stiffness. Both sides. Like the body wants to start hunching over big time. Is that age.? Is that weight? Is that diet? Is it something else? Whatever it is, it hurts.

It appears the body is looking for attention.

That was a late night, or maybe middle of the night entry (as the time-date stamp shows). Waking early, I'll float around in my head a bit before the day begins outside of my head. The above will be expounded on in the babbling daily. If you're new to this written garden, or new to the blog world paths through the garden, read the links on the right to get your bearings. Thanks for wanting to know more.

Make today fun, even if you are working. It's Hump Day, after all! lol.

Gotta go now, Santa is running late and needs a hand.

Narf :)

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