Friday, April 1, 2016

Wild About Harry

Well, in case it matters, I am just wild about Harry. I even made the formal announcement as if it is as imporant as my own daily life blogs being written right here before your eyes. Wow, huh? Well, maybe you had to be there. The fact is, if you love Harry Chapin songs the way I love Harry Chapin songs, we are 97% compatible. The other 3% might be deal breakers, but it is worth a shot. Harry words. Harry music. Harry songs. I see them, feel them, touch them, and heal them (yeah, free). I consume them, resume them, embody them, experience them. I bring them, give them, sing them, and live them. Encourage me just a little and you can listen (or be part of them) all night. I must be an April Fool :)

So I didn't sleep tonight because I let Dance Band on the Titanic in. The story songs compelled me to sing along and it is challenging to sleep and sing at the same time. Besides, who would want to miss the joyous tears singing his songs inspires. The actor in me woke and played the parts and the audience in me said wow once again. I love Harry music. Wish he was still here today. Wish someone would experience them with me.

Yeah, so last night, I didn't get to sleep at all.

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