Monday, December 4, 2017

Almost Went Out

I just fell in love with Sarah Silverman. It was building up as I was watching her first three shows and then, somebody broke her. I'll probably write more about that, but this is the brief one. So I worked as I often do o Mondays and they day was another fine work day. Progress at the desk in the morning and then off to take care of other things, the car to the shop, a meeting reviewing the emergencies and preparation for the next emergencies, washing the pool car because it was filthy, then back to the office to catch up on email and a few other things. Then, dinner (several cans, of course). I almost went to dinner with friends but tonight is a low calorie night and dinner would have been higher calorie. So I stayed home and rested. Watched Hulu TV. You may have gotten that out of the first line. Did you ever wonder where intelligence went?

But what I really want to know is... who's the statue?

Narf :)

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